Air Purifiers and Filter Specialists
1300 301 951

About Blueair

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There's never been a better time to buy Blueair - the world's top selling premium air-purifiers.

Blueair delivers home and office users more clean indoor air for enhanced user health and well being faster than any competing air purifier thanks to its commitment to quality, energy efficiency and environmental care. A Blueair air purifier works efficiently and almost silently to remove 99.97% of allergens, asthma triggers, viruses, bacteria and other airborne pollutants. And with zero ozone emissions.

Our range of world-class room air purifiers meet virtually every requirement for Australians living and working with asthma, allergies, hayfever, pets, road fumes, chemical residues and other forms of airborne pollution.

Why do Blueair filters trap six times more dirt than filters in typical air purifiers?

The reason is Blueair's progressive 3 stage filter structure - a Blueair filter is actually 3 filters in 1.. Most filters from other air purifier manufacturers are thinner and usually consist of the same size fibre throughout. Blueair filters have millions of ultra thin fibres in three different sizes. Thus, the name progressive. The first layer captures larger particles like pollen & dust. The second and third capture smaller particles like bacteria and exhaust.

Every Blueair aircleaner comes with an Odourstop/Smokestop composite filter with activated carbon impregnated with magnesium dioxide and copper oxide. This filter is designed to remove both particles and gaseous contaminants. The exposure to gaseous pollutants has increased with the usage of chemical-based household and personal cleaners, indoor pesticides and aerosol. Also off-gassing from plastics, formaldehydes, glues in synthetic building materials, carpets and furnishings. These irritating gases may be factors in a host of illnesses, from respiratory disease to chemical sensitivity and may also be a contributing factor in asthma.

Zero emissions
Blueair air purifiers do not only remove pollutants from the air. Another major benefit is that they do not emit by-products such as ozone either. Testing has shown that the ozone concentration in the output air is actually lower than in the incoming air. Blueair units are certified by the California Air Resource Board, the most stringent standard for testing ozone as by-product from air purifiers. All units are ARB certified.

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